Ceiling Care Guide – When To Clean, Paint, Or Restore | We Fix Walls

Ceiling Care Guide – When To Clean, Paint, Or Restore

A stylish ceiling can add a lot of aesthetic charm to your interior spaces and they don’t need too much care to keep clean and in good condition. Since your ceiling boards are fitted up high where they remain untouched, they tend to stay nice and clean for a very long time.

Even though these panels stay fairly clean for the most part of the year, they do require occasional cleaning and maintenance. Without a bit of tender loving care, you might notice buildup, stains, dark spots, or paint cracks develop on your ceiling and these types of issues can greatly diminish the look of your spaces.

In this care guide, we are going to take a peek at the best ways to keep your ceiling in the best possible shape.

When to Clean Your Ceiling

Unless you are a smoker, you don’t have to worry about washing your ceiling too often but it is best to regularly dust the ceiling and trimmings to remove loose debris and spiderwebs. Try to dust your ceiling once a month and remove any signs of cobwebs or wasp nests as soon as you see them form. Wasp nests are especially horrid because they can leave terrible stains on your beautiful ceilings.

Aside from dusting, you can give the ceiling a good clean about two to three times a year. This can be done by gently wiping the ceiling boards with a moist mop.

Check for signs of water damage or mould while washing your ceiling. Water damage stains or mould can be a sign of a roof leak. Mould on the ceiling surface can, however, indicate a humidity issue (often spotted inside bathrooms) and it is best to invest in a dehumidifier because high humidity levels can be damaging to your ceiling.

When to Repaint Your Ceiling

A good quality ceiling paint can stay in goo shape for 10 to 15 years afer which you will need to apply a fresh coat.

You can also repaint your ceiling whenever you want to change its colour or if you notice the paint peel, crack, or if stains form on the ceiling. In the case of cracks or peeling, it might be best to call a professional because these types of paint issues can indicate water damage and your ceiling will need to be properly sanded down or the fresh coat of paint will appear uneven and will have lotss of indentations wherever the paint peeled away.

Smokers can, however, consider repainting every 5 years because cigarrette smoke tends to yellow and discolour ceiling paint pretty quickly.

When to Get Your Ceiling Restored

It is important to get your ceiling restored if it is damaged. Damages like small cracks or chips are easily repaired but in case of ceiling sagging, water damage, or loose joints, you will need to call a professional. These types of damages can be intensive to repair and your ceiling can come crashing down if you don’t get help soon enough.

When to Replace a Ceiling

Most ceiling damages are fairly easy to restore although it might sometimes be better or more affordable to get a new ceiling installed. Ceilig replacements are usually required if the ceiling is very old, if the panels are bent from sagging, if the ceiling boards have water damage, or if they pose health and safety risks.

Professional Ceiling Care in Melbourne

We Fix Walls is the best ceiling repair company to call whether you need help repainting your ceiling or want a full replacement. Our repair team specialises in these types of home repair tasks and can assist with any type of ceiling repair or maitnenance task you might have.